About me...

Foto saya
is someone special from niel river village, daughter of Isis and Osiris, love biology and chemistry so much....

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

the other side of my life..

assalamu'alaikum all...
dear my blog,, i wanna share something bout my life in dorm for about one semester...

dormitory,, may be the first time you heard dormitory,,  you will think dorm is the worst thing ever in your whole life...

but,, my life in MHT not bad at all...
i love my tired life in dorm, i love all of the lessons that my teachers give for me... every day, every time i spend my whole time with study,, do all of my homework, read my mekanika fluida books, read campbell *of course*, practicing mathematics and chemistry or the other soft science books.

In the other side of my life in dorm,, i also have a little note for my love story in the dorm... i like someone... but i don't know why? but, that's real... i think he is handsome, but not everyone say he is handsome... he is kind, really-really kind to everyone also with me... his name is *niiiittttt*... hahahahaha...

ohhh,, god!!!
Forget it... Forget this very weird post...
i don't know why i can write on my blog like this... that's really weird, really really weird...
may be cause i'm really sleepy right now?... oamm... (-o-)zzz

ok,dear.. i wanna sleep... yeaayy.. *dromrollplease*  \(^0^)/

may be i will delete this very complicated post later... -__-
see yaa!!!

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Menyingkap tabir di balik lukisan....

assalamu'alaikum semuaa... akhir-akhir ini rifa jadi seing nge-blog neeehh...
jangan bosen-bosen baca yaw...

beberapa hari yang lalu,,
hhhmmmm.. tepatnya hari selasa sihh... kita keluarga besar MHT 03, ada trip ke galeri nasional yang ada di gambir gak ketinggalan guru pembimbingnya miss ari...

ini dia foto2 kitaa..

____eummm... lanjutin nanti mood nge-blog gue ilang, uploadnya lemoot, dihapus sayang -_-a....____

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Thamrin Olympiad and Cup II

Ayoo.. Come and join us at THAMRIN OLYMPIAD AND CUP II... seru lohhh.. apalagi gue juga ikut jadi panitianya... mwahahahaha....

official website at http://thamrinolympiadcup.blogspot.com

See yaa...

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Escape from Celah Kaybar...

assalamu'alaikum cemuaa... \(^0^)/

mumpung lagi ada waktu kosong ayo kita nge-blog...

Ada cerita kocak tentang dorm semalem...
jadi ceritanya gue dan Sylvi (sohib gue di MHT) abis belajar dari perpus, hari itu sudah malem, ngantuk dan itu gelap... di MHT ada lorong yang menghubungkan langsung dari lab ke asrama tapi lewat asrama putra, karena menurut kita itu adalah jalan terdekat,, yaaa.. sudah kita memutuskan akan lewat situ...

Sebelum lewat sana, gue dan Sylvi memandang lorong itu dari depan auditorium.. dan merasakan sesuatu berbeda dari kejauhan,, kita ngerasa kayak itu merupakan pintu masuk dunia lain *mungkin karena efek lampu penerangnya yang agak2 orange gitu dan banyak pohon rindang pula ditambah nuansa yang sepi, itu semua membuat MITTISSSSYYYY* dan kita menamakannya CELAH KAYBAR.. tapi ada juga sebagian kk kelas yang nyebut itu JEMBATAN SHIRATALMUSTAQIM tanpa alasan yang jelas.. #lanjut

just for your information, celah kaybar adalah celah yang digunakan bangsa arya untuk menyelundup masuk ke daerah perkampungan bangsa Dravida untuk dijajah, dan ini ada di daerah India.. pokoknya akhir cerita ini akan melahirkan agama hindu di dunia...

tanpa pikir panjang karena udah ngantuk dan nge-fly pengen buru2 bobo,, berjalanlah kita lewat lorong itu, sblm masuk lorong kita ketemu sama bapak2 TNI yang jaga asrama putra dan menyapa kita..

*Sylvi hormat ke bapak2 TNI itu*
bapak2 TNI : "ahhh,, saya bosen ngeliat kalian hormat terus,, udahlah gak usah hormat lagi." #jengkel
Sylvi : "okedeh,pak" *sambil ngakak.
bapak2 TNI : "abis dari mana,mbak?"
(*kenapa harus mbak itu ngebuat gue merasa lebih tua dari usia gue, kenapa gak adek aja?* #skiiip)
gue dan Sylvi : "abis dari perpus,pak.. abis belajar"
bapak2 TNI : "ohh,, yaudah bagus-bagus... ayo cepet balik udah malem"
gue dan Sylvi : "iya,pak"

berlanjutlah perjalanan kami mengarungi lorong itu...
nahh... disini puncak konfliknya...

setengah lewat celah kaybar, kita liat sesuatu warna putih di ujung lorong dan di bawah pohon... gak tau kenapa bulu kuduk gue langsung berdiri.. dan itu horooor abis... kita lanjutin pelan-pelan lewatin lorong itu.. dann...

*berhenti mendadak*
Gue : "Syl, itu siapa?" *sambil megang pundak sylvi*
*sylvi juga berhenti*
Sylvi : "itu siapa? gue gak tau... rif, gue merinding"

bayangan putih2 itu diem aja di bawah pohon  dan gue sama Sylvi masih stak di tengah2 lorong yang gelap, terus kita coba deketin ke arah bayangan putih2 di bawah pohon itu sambil pegangan, takut, merinding dan penasaran..... sekitar 5 meter dari bayangan itu kita masih gak tau siapa tapi kita deketin sambil merem dan tiba2 ada yang ngomong...

"Ngapain kalian jalan ke arah saya sambil merem gitu?"

kita loncat dan langsung lari terbirit-birit...

ternyata itu Pak Sarto penjaga asrama putra yang pake baju putih yang ke longgaran sambil sms'an nyender di bawah pohon, pak sarto nyapa tanpa rasa bersalah dan dengan senyum khas'nya itu...

oke itu cukup gue scared malam itu... dan akhirnya kita pulang ke asrama putri dengan aman dan masih agak deg-deg'an...

ngomong-ngomong hari ini, bunda echii pengawas asrama putri lagi ulang tahun lohh!!...


semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu dan tetep sabar yaaa, jangan bosen-bosen jagain kita yang merupakan makhluk yg usil-usil inii...

kali ini gue nge-blog gak berniat untuk ngelawak,, soo,, yang beranggapan ini jayus... sorry ajah gue gak lagi ngelawak kok... :p

See yaa,, next time all... :)

A Little Too Not Over You lyrics Songwriters: Archuleta, David; Gerrard, Matthew; Krompass, Mike; Nevil, Robbie;

It never crossed my mind at all
That's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else

It's for the best I know it is but I see you
Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside
And I turn around, you're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you, not over you

Aren't memories supposed to fade?
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it'd be this hard

Should be strong, movin' on but I see you
Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside
And I turn around, you're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Maybe I regret everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own, how I let you go
I'll never understand
I'll never understand!

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you

Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
And I really don't know what to do
I'm just a little too not over you, not over you

You Can lyrics Songwriters: Armato, Antonina; James, Tim;

Take me where I've never been
Help me on my feet again
Show me that good things come
To those who wait

Tell me I'm not on my own
Tell me I won't be alone
Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end

If you asked me, I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Baby, when you look at me
Tell me what do you see?
Are these the eyes of someone
You could love?

'Cause everything that brought me here
Well, not it all seems so clear
Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Save me from myself, you can
And it's you and no one else
If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end

If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love

Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes
Bring me to my knees and make me cry
And no one's ever done this
Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know

This is where it all begins
So tell me it will never end
I can't fool myself
It's you and no one else

If I could wish upon tomorrow
Tonight would never end
If you asked me I would follow
But for now I'll just pretend
If anyone can make me fall in love, you can

Show me that good things come
To those who wait